Saturday, January 9, 2016

Maeby I like to watch Lemmy's funeral.

RIP Lemmy of Motörhead.

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Fit girl fun!

Tomorrow is day 1 of my fit girl adventure! I'm excited, but also sick. I mean for real. Fever all day. I still got all prepped up! I'm excited!
Also, tomorrow is the first day of the Rock star club! Its a morning club to help kiddos do better in school. I'm ready to rock it all out!! :) (after some good sleep)

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Back at it again!

Holy cow! I haven't been on here in a long time. I think I will use this to journal some things that are happening. Right now, my life is awesome. I just started eating better... and I mean like today. Today I started eating better. I am doing a detox based off an eBook I just got! Love it so far! FOOD IS AMAZING! Check out you can thank me later. It's killer cute!

Monday, April 16, 2012

Lemon cupcakes!!!

I like to add real stuff to store bought stuff to make things amazing! I made these lemon cupcakes for Easter! I added some of the lemon to the frosting and the remaining juice I put into the cake mix. I simply just replaced some of the water with juice! So easy and it made the cake taste more "from scratch" and less fake lemon taste!

Made yummy lemon frosting with real lemon!!

I took the zest of one large lemon and about a TBS of lemon juice and mixed it into my store bought frosting! I had to add a bit more powered sugar to make it thicker. It is SO good!

Peeps are too cute on top!

I sprinkled "green sugar" on top and added a peep! Super easy for Easter! I dyed the sugar with some food coloring and my 8 year old "smushed" the sugar and food coloring in a ziplock. You can do the same thing with coconut, but my guests didn't like coconut. I think it would have looked more like grass though!

Thursday, October 13, 2011


I made these rad trivets out of sample tiles and one big ugly tile. A little smooth grout and some felt underneath. Easy and can match any kitchen. Use leftover tile to save some cash. :)